- c. New York and Philadelphia in the 1830s; (correct)
- d. Capitalists could and did use racism, ethnic divisions, industrial espionage, private detective agencies, and military and police forces to subvert unions and break strikes. (correct)
- c. The Taft Hartley Act, giving states the power to enact “right to work” laws (1947); (correct)
- d. All of the above. (correct)
- d. The decline in the number of unionized private sector workers from around 35% before the purges to less than 10% today, along with the loss of millions of jobs, the increase in income and assets inequality for the American people. (correct)
Score: 0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!!
1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.
2 to 3 wrong: Class conscious worker – study harder.
4 to 5 wrong: Danger! Deviations possible. study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism.
Title: Marxist IQ: Labor Day answersLink: http://www.cpusa.org/article/marxist-iq-labor-day-answers/
Source: Article – Communist Party USA
Organization: Joe Sims
Date: August 29, 2018 at 11:42PM
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Labels: Communist Party USA, Parties, USA