A labour movement policy on migration, labour and refugees.
"Many millions of working people and their families today are descended from migrant workers who left their native region or country to settle in one part of Britain or another. Going back centuries, migrants have brought music, art, literature progressive ideas and culinary traditions to what is a now a multi-ethnic society, bringing together many positive and vibrant aspects of national cultures. Over a couple of generations, individuals, families and whole communities have integrated into society and played a full part as citizens. This is a natural process and has gone on for millennia. It has never required special tests of loyalty. Nor does it require people who have settled in Britain to abandon the original national, ethnic or other aspects of their cultural identity. Indeed these characteristics are precisely what have given us such a vibrant multicultural."
Title: Workers of all lands, unite!Link: https://www.communist-party.org.uk/britain/2404-workers-of-all-lands-unite.html
Source: Home
Organization: djp@member.fsf.org (David Pettifor)
Date: March 15, 2018 at 02:45PM
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Labels: Communist Party of Britain, Great Britain, Parties