'Backed by much of the mass media, the Tory government is pulling out all the stops to switch the political agenda from Britain's social crisis to one of Russia aggression and loyalty tests', John Foster told the Communist Party's executive committee at the weekend.
Not surprisingly, he remarked, Prime Minister May and her Cabinet colleagues do not want to focus attention on longer NHS waiting lists, school cuts, rent rises, benefit freezes, housing evictions and local council bankruptcies.
Title: 'Tories trying to switch agenda', CP insistsLink: https://www.communist-party.org.uk/britain/2405-tories-trying-to-switch-agenda-cp-insists.html
Source: Home
Organization: djp@member.fsf.org (David Pettifor)
Date: March 19, 2018 at 02:52PM
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Labels: Communist Party of Britain, Great Britain, Parties